Here's some light hearted fun for you, as things can often get a bit serious, can't they?

In all the questions I get asked about wealth, property & making income, people often get so bogged down in trying so hard to succeed...

They forget why they're even doing it.
And the ironic thing is, if they just lightened up a bit, got over themselves and had more fun everything else they want would naturally come...

Here are 10 ways to be more fun:

1. Celebrate more:

Shout, scream, cheer, go out for a social on Friday because you had a great week, buy presents for you and others often, random acts of kindness...
P.S: When you do this, you actually teach yourself subconsciously to succeed.

2. Don't judge others

Be open minded and don't let your judgements cloud your relationships with others. Cut out the noise in your head and just be in the moment.
If you are dancing [or trying to, like me, lanky legs everywhere], are you always thinking - what do others think of my dancing? Does it affect your dancing [I bet it does] - imagine living your whole life, 'dancing' [subtle analogy for 'everything you do'] & not even thinking about what others think of your 'dancing!'

3. Be in the moment

Living in the past is living in a sense of regret, living in the future often leaves you unsatisfied and never enough. Put your new iPhone 6 away, forget the thoughts of the past and future for a few minutes and really appreciate the moment right now - it's the only place to enjoy true happiness.

4. Don't care too much about the consequences

Make decisions. Informed but fast. Then live with them. Accept them. Stop worrying all the time about their consequences. What's the worst that can happen - You get what you think about the most, so imagine all the amazing things that will happen [right now]

5. Dream more

When Gem and I take Ralph, Bobby & Ariana for a walk, I love to ask her what our life will look like in 5 years time. What she wants, the house she wants to build, the family she wants, and the swimming pools of money she wants to bathe in naked [OK, I added that one] - you should see how alive she comes...
P.S: I've been doing that with her for 4 years [not bathing naked in money, though there's a thought] and almost everything she has wanted, she now has.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff

It's not important, and you deprive yourself the chance to enjoy the multitude of amazing things in life.

7. Try new things

Jump out of a plane [with a parachute], buy different styles of clothes to your normal style [perhaps we should heed this advice!], try new foods, have sex somewhere other than in your bed on your back...
Ok, you get the picture 😉 Joy and fun are in the trying new things that give life variety and unpredictability.

8. Be Spontaneous

Break your routine. Don't say no all the time. Take a risk. Go wild. Be random. Break patterns. People will either think you're on drugs [so let them], you're having a mid life crisis [and?] or that you are finally getting a sense of fun!

9. Increase your Energy

Live life to the full. Put 100% into everything. Be bold and larger than life. You put energy in, you get energy back. And it's addictive.
Get to the gym. Eat power foods. Take regular short breaks. Early to bed, early to rise. Don't have a baby.

10. Smile & laugh more

Louder. Wider.
OK, so here's the part where we are supposed to either attach a link or sell you something.
Ooops. Sorry Daniel and Dillon!

Here is a short truly inspiring and epic moments video that embrace the idea of "having more fun"